If you would like to contribute to the 3rd Aquaphotomics European Conference, you can choose between oral and poster contribution.

Oral presentations will last for a total of 20 minutes followed by 5 minutes for audience questions. Posters will be on exhibition for the entire time of the Conference and a dedicated poster session is included in the scientific program as an opportunity for authors to display and discuss their results.

You can submit your abstract according to the instructions reported in the abstract template, downloadable here:




Pay attention that your MS Word file has to be saved in .doc or .docx formats and named as: Surname_Name_Oral for oral contributions or Surname_Name_Poster for poster contributions.

Deadline for abstract submission: June 9th, 2023




Authors that contributed by sending and abstract (using the abstract submission form) need to complete their registration by filling also the registration form!

Presenting authors of oral or poster contrubutions MUST attend the conference IN PRESENCE!


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